Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Developing a winning stratigy

Developing  winning strategy

I just finished a solid workout at the Fight House Boxing Gym in Edinburg Texas.
I snapped a photo with my phone of all the activity which was going on while I was getting ready to go home.
I have had to completely teach myself algebra all over again. I am starting at the beginning of the book and watching videos from Khan Academy and it is all coming back to me. I have been here before, memorizing the formulas and sequence to simplify the problems, substitution, FOIL and the quadratic formula. The synapses are beginning to fire.

Then for my Texas Government course I have to write an outline for a proposed bill to the Texas legislator HB 106 trying to define the legal use of imagery captured by an unmanned device (Drone of UAV/UAS). The author of the proposed bill tried to identify every application they could think of to legally use an unmanned system and then they amended the draft by lining through the words “Real property or a person on real property within 25 miles of the US border”. So in the event this bill does get adopted they would have to amend the bill every time an application not listed in the bill is thought up and why would they restrict the use of unmanned systems and the images of real property and people within 25 miles of the border. I am not going to speculate but I do not think there is a similar restriction on images captured from manned aircraft and what I would do is require written permission from the owner of any real property or person who likeness is captured by anyone, with any aerial device, manned or unmanned. Then the whole process is self-regulated. That way if your real property or your likeness is captured and used for any commercial use the owner of the real property or the subject of any likeness captured would be paid a royalty at whatever rate is negotiated and they would have recourse in the event such a royalty were not paid.

Then for my English class I have to write a thesis and I am choosing to write about the topic of being a teen parent. I have never been a teen parent but this is an interest for my wife and I need to get more educated about the subject. My sister Jill Raymer gave me a glimpse about the topic when she told me “I love my young others in my nursing classes, they have a mission. They have mouths to feed and they don’t mess around.” That made sense to me, they have a built in reason to produce.

All of the things which are happening right now are leading me to where I want to end up. My wife was telling me today about a leadership game utilized by the John Maxwell Team and right as soon as she mentioned it an idea popped into my mind when I do begin teaching that I will have my students assigned study partners and they will have to write each other’s math quizzes. They will have to turn in the test with the answer sheet which means that they will have to work the problems and they will not just be graded on the answers they get right but also on the level of difficulty of the quiz they develop. My intent is to tap into the same competitive environment there is in a boxing gym. There will be someone who will jump ahead of everyone else but there are going to be those who are going to want to knock the top guy off either by acing their quizzes or creating a quiz which will stump them. Then I can award points for tutoring their fellow students and they will benefit from the success of fellow student which they are tutoring.

They will learn math and leadership.   

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