Thursday, October 26, 2017

That which trumps it all

That which trumps it all


For the first half of my life I had an attitude “If you are broke it isn’t my job to fix you” I needed to focus on the top of my head and the bottom of my feet, making sure I was doing what I was supposed to be doing it. Then I was in “Operation Just Cause”, we had four dead and eight wounded and at 3:00 AM the second night on that runway I took assessment of what I had just experienced. We were Navy SEALs, that wasn’t supposed to happen to us.

I thought back on the Vietnam veterans who trained us, we were told that we needed to have the element of surprise, cover and concealment and superior firepower or we shouldn’t engage the enemy. Here we were, on a lighted runway and they knew we were coming. All we had was superior firepower.

I no longer could allow others around me not to be correct with their choices because they directly affected my mortality. After that, I challenged every decision my superior’s made. They didn’t like it. They kept pushing me out until my last six months in the Navy I stood gate guard duty.

When I got out of the Navy I worked for a former IBM executive who used to preach “You need to find their buying rules” I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. If I hear a buying sign I will jump right on it. He explained that “Buying Rules” were a person’s inner decision making process that dictates everything they do and all of the decisions that they make. I began a quest for that Holy Grail.

I read all of the books that I could get my hands on pertaining to sales “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, “The Magic of Thinking Big”, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Personality Profiles” and many more, three and four times each. I went to seminars by Tom Hopkins and Tony Robbins. I have broken boards and walked on fire. In one of Suzy Orman’s books she scratched the surface when she wrote that our earliest money memories effect how we handle money the rest of our lives. John Avanzini wrote two books “War on Debt, Breaking the Power of Debt” and “RapidDebt Reduction Strategies” The first book was thicker and all about tapping into the supernatural through prayer and commitment to get out of debt and “RapidDebt Reduction Strategies” was very thin talking about the specific strategies to manage and pay off debt.

There is amazing power in the supernatural power of God and Jesus Christ. Once someone experiences a supernatural answer to prayer and makes that connection to the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t matter how they were raised, what their NLP or temperament was, they will change. When they truly love the Lord if what they used to believe or were conditioned to think takes a back seat to scriptures. They will learn to call upon the Lord to make their choice and if it doesn’t line up, if it isn’t congruent they will shuck it off. They will not compromise.

Because God’s word is Love they will learn to be compassionate, even when they are standing on their principles. They will soften their rhetoric but without compromising. Not math nor science can cause them to abandon the will of the Lord.

It doesn’t matter where they have come from or what they have done. Once that relationship what the Holy Spirit is fused they don’t carry shame or regret, anger or hurt. They are even immune to fear. This is when all of those analytical strategies come into play, instead of trying to figure out how they work and what makes them tick, we have to focus on how we come across and what comes out of our mouths.

Instead of trying to appeal to everyone we only concern ourselves in attracting each other. Instead of looking for their hot buttons we present to them how God has affected us in our lives and caused us to change and saved us.

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