Sunday, January 15, 2017

Ovum Ministries

The Ovum Ministries

For a very long time I have wanted to start a young men’s empowerment movement. This even before my revelation that God and Jesus Christ is real. I have trained kids boxing in Pensacola and in Panama but that was just part of the whole developmental process which really needed to be developed in me. Then I would lead a BUD/s PT at the Sports Park in Imperial Beach CA. with the kids from Church of His Kingdom and that expanded into Kim’s Game and Hash Runs without alcohol.

Now I have been trying to organize a BUD/s PT at the Edinburg Municipal Park on Saturday mornings but the participation has been light and recently I have started attending the men’s bible study at Center Chruch in Pharr, TX. They are covering the book “The Holy Spirit” by John Bevere and it starts at 8:30 AM. Now the Pastor of Center Church is Pastor Stevens and the very first time I heard him speak he got my attention, especially when he came off of the stage proclaiming “This church is going to be lead by the spirit and if any of you don’t like it, there is the door!” Then he said “I have a job to support my ministry hobby” and “I am going to collect my treasure in Heaven”. So my Saturday, full BUD/s PT I will either have to do at 6:00 AM at home on my own or sometime after the Men’s bible study.

Now something is in the works. I volunteered two weeks in a row with the Edinburg JROTC on Fridays doing the full BUD/s PT. I lead an 8:30 AM class and a 2:00 PM class one week and then a 10:00 AM class and 11:00 AM class the next Friday. Now I concerned that my workout would be enough for these kids but after the second set of push-ups I didn’t have to worry about that anymore. However in the evenings at the Fight House Boxing Gym down the road towards the south there are some tough kids who can keep up with the workouts but either don’t have the grades, dropped out of school or have criminal convictions. They couldn’t get into the SEAL Teams if they wanted to. I wish the military had a redemption program for kids like this, kind of like in the movie “The Dirty Dozen” where these kids who are tough, unafraid of other men and life could get their GED or take high school equivalency test and qualify for the different jobs like the SEALs, EOD, 2nd Class Divers, Rescue Swimmer, Army Rangers, and Para Rescue. It amazes me how these fighters aren’t afraid of a man 20 lbs heavier than they are but don’t give them a math problem.

So then Thursday night I get invited to the Texas A&M Admissions office in McAllen to see a presentation for “Trial Life” organization a faith based version of the Boy Scouts. My wife and I were the only ones to show up for the presentation but I spoke with Pastor Steven and he is interested in Center Church sponsoring a troop of the “Trail Life” boys. His is into the outdoors, canoeing and paddle boarding. Then this morning while my wife and I were on our way to church out battery went dead and we had TV church today and we watched “The Rock” church in San Diego with Miles McPherson. Then besides that she had me watch “The Bema Seat” Pastor Tim Stevenson. This was right in line with Pastor Steven’s message of creating my treasure in Heaven.

I started to think about my wife Janice Wright's ministry “Titus Ministries” for young mothers and teen girls and even though I want to incorporate the Navy SEAL “BUD/s” PT and I want to develop these young men to be able to pass BUD/s screen test if they decide to go that way but they don’t have to if they don’t want to but my motivation for the strenuous workout is to build confidence, comradery and stimulate their endorphins which activates the creative part of the brain so these tough kids can learn the math and science they need to be well rounded. I didn’t want to call it “Tadpole Ministries” because that is what they call actual trainees who are in BUD/s training and “Frog Egg Ministries” didn’t really suit me. So I looked up the scientific name for “Frog Eggs” and I found “Ovum” which means eggs of frogs and toads but it is also used in describing an undeveloped fertilized egg. Basically undeveloped potential. That struck a nerve with me. These young men who want recognition and attention but do not know the difference between good attention and bad attention or realize their own potential and capabilities. To tell the truth, my purpose is to give them a head start. I remember Roy Jones Jr. at 12 and 13 years old trying to keep up with me in push-ups, arms circles and leg-lifts and the next thing I know he surpasses me. My son Devin Lowing did the same thing. I want to be a measuring stick or reference for them to achieve more.

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